Monday 6 October 2014

All I Ever Wanted by Vikki Wakefield

Mim, a teenage girl who is turning 17, has been brought up by a single mother and two brothers who are drug dealers. However, she has very firmly made up her mind that she will not turn out like her mother. Hence, she proceeds to set a list of rules for herself to live by. "I will finish school. I will not take drugs..." the list goes on and on. One day, her mother sends her on an errand to pick up a dubious package. Unfortunately, it gets stolen on her way home and consequently, her life starts to unravel and she starts breaking those rules one by one.

Although many teenagers would not have grown up in the same circumstances at Mim, the experiences and emotions she goes though are things that most teenagers would be able to relate to. Friendships, romance, peer pressure, dreams and aspirations are just a few issues Mim constantly contends with just like any other teenager anywhere else in the world.

Like many teenagers, Mim feels misunderstood and that she does not fit in. However, instead of succumbing to peer pressure, she strives to be "better" than her mother and her family by setting a list of rules for herself which she works hard to adhere to. This causes her to alienate herself from her family and friends and even to fall out with her best friend.

Teenagers also tend to feel that the world is against them. Mim is no different. She feels that her current situation that she has been forced into by being born into a dysfunctional family is holding her back from having a bright future. By the end of the book however, she realises that she has misjudged many of the people in her life, especially her mother. The package which her mothers asks her to pick up at the beginning of the story turns out to be documents for an exchange programme in France and not drugs like what Mim thinks it is. This shows that contrary to what Mim thinks, her mother actually understands her very well and knows how much she desires to get away from her hometown and to see the world.

With a heartwarming yet gritty and honest story and authentic characters, All I Ever Wanted is definitely a book which many teenagers will be able to relate to. It also encourages them not to be so quick to dismiss the care and concern from their family and friends just because they are under the impression that they do not understand them. This is undeniably a highly recommended coming of age book which will resonate with many teenagers.

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